Since when do the wants of the many outweigh the rights of the few? I belong to the “very small minority” who think the Cal Poly Salsa posters are inappropriate and don’t belong on campus.

Taking down the posters does not represent censorship, nor violates the First Amendment. It simply conserves the learning environment. The CPSalsa club has the right to advertise, but what about my right to walk down the hallway or sit in a classroom without seeing the unwanted images?

What do parents of potential students think about Cal Poly when they visit and see those posters?

The California government owns Cal Poly, and therefore the campus must follow all rules and guidelines set by the state.

On campus, many women walk around showing off their bodies. Does that make it acceptable? In Mexico, vendors sell hardcore pornography on the street corners, displaying everything to the view of whoever happens to walk by. Does that make it acceptable? No set distinction exists between the appropriate and the inappropriate because the standards change with each passing day, usually for the worse.

While we can’t change what people wear on campus, we can and should limit what we post up and display. If you want to display the Salsa posters on private property, go for it. But keep them off the public school grounds.

William Milton Stevenson

Aerospace engineering sophomore

CPSalsa posters market sex, not dancing

The issue here is not whether the Salsa Club poster is a good-looking poster or whether you’ve seen cleavage before.

The issue is relevance. The issue is whether the poster is appropriate for a professional environment. What is the relevance of a fireman’s outfit and cleavage to the Salsa Club? What are you marketing? Are you marketing a fun club with a chance to do some really great dance moves or are you selling sex?

The posters certainly don’t market a dance club – there’s only one person in the picture!

Should companies who recruit on campus use posters such as this to gain visibility? It would attract attention alright, but I think most people, regardless of age or sex, would say that it is inappropriate.

This poster is inappropriate.

Elizabeth Kaminaka

Administration support coordinator

College of Architecture and

Environmental Design

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