Chalk drawings from "Bring Your Kid to College Day" Credit: Marissa Kirby / Mustang News

The Cal Poly Students with Dependents program held its first-ever “Bring Your Kid to College Day” on Thursday at the Plant Conservatory. A spin on the classic, “Bring Your Child to Work Day,” students, faculty and staff were encouraged to bring their families to meet others in the Cal Poly community. 

“We really wanted to promote recognition of student parents, as well as children, being on our campus,” Student Services Coordinator for Students with Dependents Courtney Moore said. “It’s an academic university, so it’s really easy to get caught up and forget.”

Held in collaboration with the California Alliance for Student Parent Success, the Students with Dependents Program is striving to see Cal Poly members, especially students, thrive in an inclusive community on and off campus, according to Moore. Students who stopped by were offered more information about the program and their mission. 

“I’ve been able to connect with a couple of student parents I’ve emailed who I haven’t met in person today which was cool,” Moore said.

Providing food, drinks and photo opportunities, this event was meant to provoke a sense of community around those at Cal Poly who are parents, Moore said. Chalk, bubbles, and parachutes were also available for children to use. 

The turnout throughout the day was about 20 people, and many were students with their children, not staff. 

“We did also invite the ASI Children Center and the Preschool Learning Lab,” Moore said. “I think it was too far of a walk for them, which is totally understandable.” 

The Students with Dependents Program advocates for awareness for students with dependents by providing them with resources to have a successful college experience. Priority registration, parking permit help, workshops, and community events are just some of the benefits available through this program, according to the Students With Dependents Program. 

“The goal was kind of just to recognize the day and let parents connected to Cal Poly know, ‘Hey, we see you, and your kid!’” Moore said.

Cal Poly Students With Dependents Program’s website can be found online here or on Instagram