Credit: Fellowship for Performing Arts

In the world of theater, where imagination meets performance, the genius of C.S. Lewis finds new life as award-winning actor Max McLean takes the stage to bring the enigmatic author’s story to vivid, compelling life. 

Fellowship for Performing Arts presents C.S. Lewis On Stage: Further Up & Further In, a performance that delves deep into the mind and personality of the renowned author, scholar, theologian, and creator of The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis. 

C.S. Lewis On Stage: Further Up & Further In plays for one performance at Performing Arts Center San Luis Obispo on Saturday, Oct. 14, at 4 p.m.

The performance is a multimedia theatrical event that, using Lewis’ own words, explores what convinced Lewis of the divinity of Christ and why the BBC gave him a huge audience to deliver wartime talks that would become Mere Christianity. It will also explore how Hitler influenced the writing of The Screwtape Letters and how his profound insights on prayer, heaven and the Second Coming of Christ influenced The Chronicles of Narnia.

“When Lewis moved from vigorous debunker to believer, it wasn’t so obvious he would become the most influential Christian writer of the past hundred years,” said McLean who also wrote the script.

The award-winning team has worked on other well-known performances, helping to produce sets and scores for Cats, The Lion King, Martin Luther on Trial and more. 

The play depicts C.S. Lewis and his extraordinary spiritual journey from hard-boiled athiest to arguably the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century. McLean’s performance showcases Lewis’ magnetic personality, astonishing eloquence and self-deprecating wit, all in front of eye-catching backdrops that change and glow from scene to scene to immerse audiences and give them a clear depiction of Lewis’ psyche. 

Audience reactions to the play have been overwhelmingly positive, with some theatergoers claiming they were “completely engaged.,” and describing the performance as “a fabulous production… inspiring and memorable!”

To download a free Discussion Guide for Further Up & Further In and take a deeper dive into the hit play visit

Tickets are on sale now but going quickly. Cal Poly students can purchase discounted tickets for $5 when purchased in person at the box office with a valid student ID. 

Group discounts are also available for groups of 10 or more. For more information visit the link here.