I am a proud supporter of Brandon Souza for ASI president because his campaign platform focuses on real issues that all Cal Poly students will benefit from. As a graduating senior, Brandon’s idea of implementing an auditing system through my.calpoly.edu is a feature that I would have taken full advantage of to stay on track for a timely graduation. Student academic success is pertinent and essential for everyone and Brandon can make it easier to attain.

As an earth science major, Brandon’s stance on sustainability is one that is essential for an environmentally focused school like Cal Poly. Sustainability will promote Cal Poly as a leader in using earth’s resources more efficiently and effectively. Lastly, as a member of the greek community on campus, I feel that Brandon can best represent our small percentage as he is compassionate and understanding of greek life and policies, even though he is not a greek himself. Brandon will continue to maintain and further encourage a positive relationship between greeks, Cal Poly and the San Luis Obispo community.

Brandon’s dedication and experience are what will make him the best ASI president. I know that he will thoroughly dedicate himself to the position and utilize every resource he can to continue making Cal Poly a desirable, safe and enjoyable place to experience the best time of our lives.

Rachel Mac Manus
Earth science senior

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